Thursday, November 20, 2014

Why Move The Draper Prison?

I have had a couple constituents ask me recently why the State is considering moving the Draper prison from its current location.  There is a perception that keeping the facility where it is now is a better bargain for the taxpayer than moving it to another location.

For insight on the information guiding the process, here is a presentation we received last year regarding the cost-benefits of relocation:

As you can see, the costs of relocation are offset by the sale of the underlying property.  Also, the prison will need to be rebuilt since it is old and atrophying.  Given all the considerations, it appears that relocating is in the best interest of our economy and our corrections system.

Nevertheless, for those of you not satisfied with the above presentation.  Here is lengthy report we received with all the wonkish details.  You can relish in the minutia here:

If you have any questions about the process or policy of this decision (that aren't answered in these presentations), don't hesitate to CONTACT ME.

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