Saturday, March 1, 2014

District 9 Voter Survey Results - 2014

The results are in on our voter surveys.  Unfortunately, the electronic version of the survey was a complete failure as none of the responses were recorded.  The service for the electronic version was provided by the State GOP and they have been notified of the problem.  Therefore, these results are from the the mailed in versions of the survey.

We had 230 responses come back in the mail.  Thus, the margin of error is high, and the sample is definitely not random.  However, the survey was mailed to likely voters of all political affiliations and the unaffiliated as well.

Here are the results for your review:

 I thought the results were quite interesting.  There are obvious partisan divisions in some questions but others are not so clear.  Many of the issues facing the state this year transcend partisan politics.


  1. Where do you get these figures? I have talked to hundreds of people who disagree.

  2. In the post: "We had 230 responses come back in the mail. Thus, the margin of error is high, and the sample is definitely not random. However, the survey was mailed to likely voters of all political affiliations and the unaffiliated as well"


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