Saturday, March 1, 2014

2014 General Session: Update 2

Time is moving very quickly.  I am unsure if this is because I am getting older, or because my time is filled with more activity.  Time is constrained in February since it also includes my wife's birthday, our anniversary, and Valentines Day.  Thus, I now have three weeks to account for in this update.  Let's see if we can do it justice.

Dog Breed Ordinances

The one subject I received the most emails on (ever!) was a bill prohibiting dog breed discrimination ordinances in cities.  I opposed this bill on grounds that cities should be able to make law according to the social mores and norms of the people in their community.  You can watch the debate and my comments (around 1:39:00) HERE.  Regardless, the bill still passed with a vote of 43-28.

A Case of the Ever Expanding Sphere of Government

On February 11, we debated HB96.  It is a bill creating opt-in pre-kindergarten programs for the children of qualifying families who live in poverty.  This is new territory for the state.  I voted against this bill because it creates a temptation for parents to defer to the state in their responsibility to educate their child.  Obviously, the program will help some some children whose parents can't provide this beneficial resource.  However, my concern is now for those able parents who won't provide this resource since the state can now do it for them.  I believe this will have a negative effect on the vigor and culture of our communities.  In my view, the bill is a symptom of malaise in our society as yet more personal responsibility is relinquished to another new state program. The bill passed with a vote of 49-24.  

Lincoln's Birthday

It appears none of us were winners in this year's Lincoln look-a-like contest...

...except this guy.


Thanks to Rep. Jake Anderegg from Lehi, it is now legal to bury a dead horse on your property.  The horse mafia celebrated as the bill passed with a unanimous 69-0.

Special Visitors

Lisa Galvez, widow of former Representative Brad Galvez, was recognized.  She has found a warm circle of friends at the Legislature.

From the Mouths of Babes

I had a conversation with my 7-year old daughter who had a recent opportunity to come visit the Capitol with me.  We were driving in the car and I was explaining why people in Ukraine were protesting their government:

Sophie: "Dad do you like the Government?"Me: "Sophie, your dad is part of the yes I guess I do."Sophie: "Oh, I didn't realize that. What do you do?"Me: "We make laws. That is what we do in the Capitol. Remember? You sat with your dad on the House Floor and watched the other day."Sohpie: "But dad, you didn't make laws. All you guys did was talk and go blah, blah, blah."
Mr. Peterson's Bills

All of my bills have passed the House and are now on their way through the Senate.

You can watch video of the floor presentations of each bill:
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at anytime. 



1 comment:

Welcome! Your comments and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Criticism, insights, questions and queries are always welcome. However, please be civil and composed in your presentation. I moderate comments, so be patient while waiting for your comment to appear. Debate is welcome, trolling is not.